North Borneo Geek
Events and Happenings

KK City Tourism Treasure Hunt 2007

The hunt is on again. This is the 7th time DBKK held its annual treasure hunt. About 98 cars participate in the hunt and it is the second time my team joined. Yes, my team, Lelipan. Unlike last year where there are only a few physical challenges, this year it is totally different. It’s a bit like a mini Explore Race type challenge where we have to go sightseeing to get the answer, mostly historical. Thank god we got 3G. Do you know where KK Gallery is? It’s recently launched, and it is on the 7th floor, Centre Point. That’s just the first challenge of Leg 1.

Then Leg 2, challenge2, we have to find answers from clues provided by the organizer. We get a few, we lost a few. And it’s totally up to us which sector we want to do first. It’s a safer bet if we just follow the sequence. The sectors are Api-Api Centre, Sinsuran and Damai Plaza. Darn clue, we were so absorbed in finding the answer that we totally forgot about the time limit.

Then comes challenge 3 where we have to walk on stilts. I failed miserably. Hey, it has been like 20 years since I last play the bloody thing. We also have to identify which tribe from their traditional costume. I think we manage to get 3 out of 5.

After that, it’s Leg 4. Now, this is where we follow a set of tulips to get to the treasure area. What is tulip you ask? It’s a substitute for maps. Unlike a map where you got a clearer picture of where you are going, tulips just show you where to go and which area has the answer to sets of clues. Easier than Leg 2 because all answers are in sequence. We have a physical challenge in Leg 4. You are required to get a 5kg rice bag that they want at a given time. We missed 1 bag. We skipped a few answers because we don’t have much time left to find them.

We didn’t get a placing this year. We overshoot our time limit. We were given 7 hours instead we arrive after 8 hours so they have to deduct our marks. But overall, although we’re tired, we didn’t win anything, it is still fun. There’s another treasure hunt in April. You can bet we’ll be joining it.

Here are the photos from the event.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

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