North Borneo Geek

Dragons gathering

Today was a great day for me. I’ve attended an old friend’s wedding at Dewan SESB. Rizal Zamani Idris, knew him from primary school, sat in the same class, same group table, we played the trumpet for our school band. Whoa, talk about fun memories. We were reunited 5 years back along with Sabariah and Ramizah. Today it’s a different thing. After about 19 years, we were reunited back with other ex-schoolmates, Rina, Norazah, Wirdiyanty, Azlina, Rizwan, Awg. Mohd Faizal, Sabariah, Katarina and Ramizah. Imagine that, most of us still remember names even after all those years. I forgot one or two faces, sorry about that. It was great to be able to meet up with them. As usual, some got taller, some got wider, and most of us are still SINGLE!!! I think it has got to do with The Year of The Dragon thingy.

The peak moment of the wedding day was when the girls saw Eizlan Yussof. Yes, the actor and model, in person. He was Rizal’s best man. I didn’t notice him at first. Yes, we managed to get a few photo, still waiting for my friends to upload it in their Friendster photo album. We continue on after the wedding catching up old times, only the singles. We don’t have a commitment to attend to. Gosh, all of those fun memories. We chat until about 3pm before heading back home.

Just when I reach home I got a message from a friend to meet up. We promised to exchange our Anime Collection. I lend her my Full Metal Alchemist CD and borrowed her Bleach CD. Also managed to copy final three Heroes episode. Also copied Chronicle of The Wings anime for my sister. We chatted for about an hour or so at KFC Putatan before heading our separate ways. Kewl, now I got the complete set of Heroes, Bleach and Chronicle of The Wings. Thanks Zizie!!!

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

4 thoughts on “Dragons gathering

  • Pai!!!

    Kau jumpa diorang semua??? Tak acinya!! Aku nda dpt pegi, baru balik dari holiday dgn family pagi semalam 🙁 … kena pulang KK ASAP lah ni… Kirim salam sama diorang kalau kau jumpa diorang lagi ok…

  • Yep, great to meet up with everyone yesterday! Oh, kau pun main trompet pula tu kan..hehe….

  • Paival.. ada member-2 ko yg ada anime God Save Our King? Pinjamm….


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