North Borneo Geek

KK Blogger’s Meet

I think this was, as far as I know, already search for it over the internet, the first such gathering held in KK. It was held at Pirates of Borneo Cruise Boat. Thank God it’s not the Black Pearl; we might have to scrub the deck. It’s just a boat, park at Jesselton Point. OK, the thing is, I’ve only started blogging this year, on Friendster, but these guys have been blogging for some time now, some of them doing part-time, some full time. Gosh, I wish I could get to know them before we meet, so I can at least talk to them, instead of just trying to finish the grilled lamb chop, chicken wing, prawns, fish, fried rice & noodle, salad, dessert. Did I mention lamb chop? Yes, I’ve been eating lamb chops for 3 consecutive nights.

Anyway, the gathering was jointly organised by JACQ aka Caneeliea, Gallivanter aka Daniel and Lady Stiletto aka Debbie. Below is a list which I copied from JACQ’s blog. I’ll try to get the confirmed attendance from JACQ later on.

Confirmed attendance:

Oliee and I
Oliee and I

Olieee message me over Friendster about the gathering, and I thought to myself, I blog for pleasure only and I don’t even know all of them. Soon after that Olieee texted me and manage to coax me to go. FYI, Olieee is one of my IRC friends in #Jesselton a few years back. Anyway, we promised to meet up at Jesselton Point at about 7:30 pm. Because I hate to go through traffic jams, I decided to go there in my work cloth, to kill the time, I went to Centre Point to get myself a new digital camera. My dad lost mine so I need to get a new one. It so happen, lotte’ who is another IRC chat friend of mine from the same channel was going to CP to check out some books. I meet her at Popular Bookstore, accompany her to dinner; just have a drink though because I have a buffet dinner at the gathering later on; then she accompanies me to get my cam. Yeah, I’ll blog that little adventure later on.

Ok, I reached Jesselton Point at about 7:45 pm and Olieee arrived at about 8:10 pm. Yeah… janji orang Sabah hahaha. We went to register ourselves, met a few of the bloggers, and then went to board the boat. We have our buffet dinner, get to know some of the bloggers. Soon after that, the boat started to move. OK, I thought it won’t be cruising at all (JACQ blog mentioned it won’t cruise). YEAY!!! I could test out my night scene function on my cam, looking over KK, over the sea. How often do you get the chance to do that? While cruising, they started off with a Lucky Number prize presentation, then a blogger introduction. Shoot, I have to introduce myself to them. OK, told them my name, my nickname et cetera et cetera. I guess I’ll be starting my own blog site after this; I was in my earlier plan. Soon after that, we head back to Jesselton Point and have a few photo sessions before we depart. I think most of the bloggers went home, the rest went clubbing. I would love to join them but I was too tired, the reason being I slept at 3 in the morning on the same day. Maybe next time. I’ll upload some of the photos on my album, so check that out later.

By the way, if any of you ever heard of; a site which lists down all Sabahan bloggers, the owner was there, Mr. Badak, also the owner of

Update 23 April 2022
Post updated due to missing photos, hence why it uses the current watermark.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

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