North Borneo Geek

Eating galore

It’s very sad to look at how Sabahan acts when it comes to free food. Damn, I wish I was at 1Borneo last night, to watch the Musical Fireworks Extravaganza Show there. Instead I was somewhere attending a political meeting. Damn it!


I’m not really active in politics, just that it’s good to know what they do every year. From the first time I attended the meeting in 2004, they have shown some improvement on some of the delegates. Finally! They talk more sense then nonsense. Only the eating has never changed. Tsk tsk…


This is what happens, year after year. They don’t queue! They jump queue like there’s no tomorrow. Mountain high food on each place can be seen as if tonight is the last night we’re going to eat, tomorrow we’re going to starve kind of situation. And they eat like pigs. I feel really ashamed of what I see. It’s not like there’s not enough food, the caterer keep refilling the tray. What if you can’t finish it? Would it not go to waste? We’re lucky enough to have so much food, have they ever thought about the starvation in other country? I’m not saying that it’s not OK to take so much, but be reasonable at least. Small portions would be better and you can always go for second rounds. A more civilised way… don’t you think?


Maybe Sabahan in particular and Malaysian in general are not that civilised than what we thought. We are still way far from reaching there. Just take a look at the condition of our public toilet. How we use the toilet reflect the society itself. What I wrote earlier is also the same. I’ve never really went out from the country, the furthest I would say was to the Philippines, and I didn’t really check the toilets there. But I did go to the toilet over in Singapore, and man it was clean! Really clean.. and best part is… it’s free entry! Back home… we have to pay, and it’s not even clean! I wonder how the toilet is at 1Borneo; you have to pay RM1 to get into the VIP toilet. I’ve heard that the Singapore Government even taught toilet ethics in school. Maybe our government should do that. It has to start somewhere, might as well start from the kids. The older generation are difficult to train, but we can mould the young. WHAT SAY YOU?

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

4 thoughts on “Eating galore

  • It amazes and disgusts me that some people pile up foods on their plate and do not finish their foods and if you’re the unlucky people, you get only the sisa-sisa.

    Regarding our public restrooms, they’re in a really, really SAD, PATHETIC state. Being charged for entering, we’d expect those toilets to be in a certain standard..a rip off I should say. The cleanliness hoo boy and on top of that you don’t know what bacteria are lurking there ready to pounce on you to give diseases and worst of all, you have to see the “output” of the persons who entered the toilet before you. The list go on and on. Singaporeans would have a fit when they enter our public restrooms.

    RM1 for the VIP toilet? What do they have in there? A lounge, perhaps? It’s time we follow the Singaporean with regard to cleanliness and public toilets.

  • Nice blog Paival. Biasalah tu pasal makan free tu, mana-mana di dunia ni pun sama. Kalau ada makan free terus melumpat macam munyit ndak makan satu minggu.

    Ya, I sure hope Malaysian toilets will step up to what we call “restrooms” in some developed countries. Especially like me who has to go to do the restroom a lot, it’s really hard when I go home to find clean restrooms. But in KL especially in shopping malls, the restrooms there are clean.

  • hahah.. normally the eating habit memang macam tu. especially political meeting/seminar/event. not surprising. during my time working in the hotel industry, everytime ada meeting parti-2 politik ni kalau bab makan memang tiada leftovers.

    Thanks for adding me into your ‘dragon’ list. i’ll add u in mine too. thanks to aza, baru ku tau ko ada geek blog ni 🙂

    As for toilets, try go to The Gardens (the new shopping mall near to Mid Valley). RM 5 per entry

  • Nice post. Most blogs or not very informative. At least I learnt somthing with yours.


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