North Borneo Geek

Someone accused us of eating pets!


This is a video of my cat eating durian. Cute huh? I uploaded this video last year and got a few friendly comments. A few days ago I got this comment.

this is animal abuse–you’re now reported

Then it went on again.

they eat cats and dogs over there–they’re just wanting their meals to taste and smell like durian–disgusting part of the world

At that moment I thought to myself, what the f**k! Both comments were from the same person, sadie46A. So I click on this user ID to see that person profile. After seeing the profile I replied her comment.

a very typical of “westerner” who thinks everyone over in asia eat pets. you better check your facts buddy.

Not long after that, she sent me a message.

I’m not a Westerner dude and I lived in that area for 27 years–I know my facts you dumb piece of trash. How is the cat doing or did you eat it already?

Can you believe this? I was so mad, I replied her back.

so i guess ur not an american? if i checked the world map (you do know what it is right?) US is.. umm.. oh what do you know, located on the west. sorry. u r a westerner to us. thing is, asia is big, way bigger that ur place. staying for 27 over in asia doesnt mean u have the facts right. you guys are so narrow minded just simply pin-pointed that “oh asian eats pets” u just think that “oh everyone over here is just the same”. you still need to get your facts right.
oh by the way. my cat was killed by neighbour dog. not by us asian DUMB ASS!!!

And you guess it; she’s not letting me go that easily. She replied me back with this.

you are a complete idiot apparently–did you know people move around the globe but are originally from certain places? wow, unique huh? And why don’t you simply admit it–that area of the world eats pets–don’t respond to me again, because apparently you’re not able to understand complete sentences.
your poor cat was probably tortured enough–did you eat it after it was killed? trying to fatten it up with durian fruit? oh my–write again and I will report you again–once for animal abuse videotaping and now harassing me

Uuu… now I’m really scared. Who does she think she is? So naturally I have to reply her right?

uuu… scary…. please.. please report me you move around eh? then you should know there are a lot of etnic here in asia. or you just simply narrowing it down again.
you want me to show you where we burried my cat? for someone who claimed to be “civilised” you sure dont act like one

What I hate about this was, they are narrowing us Asians into one group, a disgusting pet eating Asian. Oh come on! I know there are some in this part of the world love such delicacy, but don’t generalise Asian over it. Further more, Muslim don’t eat carnivores. I got me thinking, I don’t think she stayed here for 27 years. An it also occur to me that her ID could stand for sadie 46A, a sad fat dumb ass lady who have nothing else better to do than to make other peoples live miserable like hers. Who the hell she’s going to report me to? Sorry dumb ass, I don’t think they have any jurisdiction here in Malaysia. Anyone who wants to give your piece of mind, please go ahead. I’m behind you 100 percent.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

7 thoughts on “Someone accused us of eating pets!

  • hehe.. I just found her comments funny. Either she’s trying to pick on you or she’s just nuts… but anyway, don’t take it too seriously.. The only nationalities that i know of that eat cats and dogs are Chinese from China. So she probably lived in China before.

  • LaViaP

    well, she didnt do her homework and check where i’m from. and saying i eat my cat? urghh!!!!

  • ‘i’m a chinese so i’m farming dogs so i can get free meat for my dinner’? wakakakaa!!

    just by feeding cat with durian doesn’t mean we’re fattening the cat as our next dinner that would taste like durian. the cat just enjoy eating durian as we human too.

    that lady is just being racist and narrow-minded. calm donw will ya? 🙂

  • LaViaP

    *breath in*
    *breath out*
    *breath in*
    *breath out*

  • rin-chan

    ditto aza, i also found her comments are effingly funny, and plain stupid. she needs to get her facts straight before posting such BS comments.

    calm down..

  • i’ve read her ridiculous comments and i’m speechless. i find it funny that some people think that they know everything and even when they got the fact (totally, dead) wrong, they insist on it being the truth. jangan la ko layan orang gila mcm tu…just laugh it off….

  • LaViaP

    i am, i am, and she wants to report me. report to who? santa? hahahahahaha


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