North Borneo Geek

Auto Bavaria Kota Kinabalu

Made some time to visit Shahnaz & Angie a few weeks ago over at Auto Bavaria Kota Kinabalu which was recently opened. Just want to catch up with them plus take a closer look at their rides.

Coincidently wore blue that day.
Coincidently wore blue that day.

Free flow drinks for customers
Free flow drinks for customers
Customer are greeted by friendly faces.
Customer are greeted by friendly faces.

Bee Aim Double You

Bee Aim Double You
Bee Aim Double You


Companion on the passenger seat of your Beemer
Companion on the passenger seat of your Beemer


Bee Aim Double You 

Bee Aim Double You 

Bee Aim Double You 

Bee Aim Double You 

The only car that I could afford for the time being.
The only car that I could afford for the time being.
A quick shot of the showroom
A quick shot of the showroom
You don’t have to worry about the after sales service. They have a very experience after sales staff ready if you need assistance. I’ve learn something new during my visit. These cars don’t have any spare tyre. They really don’t. But what these cars have is “Run On Flat” technology where you can still drive your car at 80 km/h to the nearest service centre (in this case Auto Bavaria KK) and they will change the tyre for you. Imagine that. No more sweating under the sun. Interested for a test drive? Make an appointment today.

Bee Aim Double You

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “Auto Bavaria Kota Kinabalu

  • bah bila ko mau beli? sy mau tumpang ni..hehe 🙂

    • bila sya sudah ada cucu mungkin. opps, sampai bila2 la nda beli tu kan?

  • ish..jgn ckp mcm tu..anything is possible…can buy a bmw n can own cucu.. ;)… AMIN…

    • you know kalau balik2 sya kena paksa “mencari” sya makin komited nda mau “mencari”

  • aik…sabar bah..i’m talking bour the BMW la.. tidak mau having ur own BMW ka? haha 😉


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