North Borneo Geek

Durian on my stomach?

Went for Christmas shopping yesterday, the only day I have time to search for two present for my office Christmas Gift Exchange. Been busy with weddings and event on the weekend that it has to be done yesterday. I could do it today but I’ve to go to Ranau early Friday morning, going to hike with Sabah Forestry Department to determine which part of our road project in on their boundary. So I have to get the present yesterday, and place the presents today. So it is now sitting safely under our Christmas tree. Sadly, I couldn’t see those happy faces when they unwrap their present, I’ll be in Ranau, Togop to be exact. *sigh*

Chrismas Gift Exchange 2008


Actually I didn’t have a clue as to what I’m going to get, didn’t have the time to go search for it. So I asked my colleague, Jenny for a hint of idea. She told me what type of person he is and immediately a bulb on my head light up. I KNOW WHAT I’M GETTING HIM AND I KNOW WHERE TO LOOK FOR IT. Where? At Wisma Merdeka of course. Well, I can get it at Centre Point but I’m too lazy to go there and I’m short of time. One down, one to go.
Yesterday morning, Emma gave me a bit of clue; the person who got my name is lady. OK, easy enough just get something that befit a lady. So, since I’m going to Wisma Merdeka after work, might as well buy all the present there.
Right after work I drive straight to Wisma Merdeka to get the present. Harol call me just when I was about to reach Wisma Merdeka, asking if I’m cycling tonight. Darn, it’s Wednesday, cycling night. I told him that I would be joining if I can finish finding or buying present early. I really do want to cycle. Reached Wisma Merdeka, went straight to one particular shop. True enough, the present I was thinking to get was there, browse through, pick which one that I would like to buy and told the shop keeper that I’ll be coming back to get it. Now searching for the second present. On my mind I was thinking “going cycling tonight, get that present FAST!” I was walking to every nook and corner of Wisma to find a present. I gave up and thought, maybe a teddy bear would be nice. So I called up Emma to ask her opinion. She gave me another clue which I immediately know who this person is. Emma also suggested me where to end my agony of finding a present. Went to that shop, browse through, met Angie over there who’s also looking for present. HAH! I found what I should get for my colleague.
So I went on to buy the presents, stop by at Just For You to buy some cards and wrapper for the presents, went to KFC to tapau my dinner (its already 7pm and I’m in a rush to go home to get my bike).
Manage to meet at rendezvous point at 8.15pm, most of my friends are there already, waiting for me to cycle together. For tonight route, from Lintas we went to Golden Hill, and then to Sembulan, make a turn at Sutera Harbour traffic light, cycle to KK wet market, stop at Jesselton Point. After a short rest, we continue to cycle to where else, Shell Station next to Innoprise Building. Then we journey on to Signal Hill where we heard fireworks. We went down to Padang Merdeka, wanted to watch it but it was all over when we reached down. Oh well, we continue to cycle passing KK Police Station, Jesselton Hotel, Upperstar KK, Cocoon, went to the fly over heading to Luyang and back at rendezvous point. We cycle for 34.66km and my top speed was 48.8 km (yalor, going downhill bah). By the way, I can’t stop thinking about Jennifer’s discovery on gear changing every time I change my gear. I have got to blog that, which I did early this morning.
We went for a drink at Salim’s after that. There goes the calories burnt. We stayed for about an hour before we went back.
This morning I woke up with a cramp stomach muscle. Now that’s the first, I can’t even stretch. Yessh it hurt, not that much but its very annoying. I’ll post my blog first then wrap the presents. Up until I posted this, my stomach still hurts. Could this mean I’m growing “Durian” on my stomach? 😉

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “Durian on my stomach?

  • you’ll be world famous if you’re tummy has durian growing in it. how many of you guys are cycling at night? misti semua laju2 ni. drink at Salim’s brapa lah saja calorie tu…sikit ja tu…unless you guys go to McD 🙂

  • LaViaP

    paling kurang 5 org, paling ramai 40 so far. kau rasa 23km/j laju ka? itu baru sya tu, yg lain lagi laju dr sya

  • uiii laju bah tu. lagipun kamu cycling malam, kurang visibility.

  • LaViaP

    then kami slow down ikut ur speed lah. banyak lampu jln ma…

  • hahaha! sia kalau takut mungkin baru sampai speed kamu huhuu..

  • LaViaP

    oh bah.. kami sewa la tu anjing doberman hehehehe


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