North Borneo Geek

Hanging by the moment

I was texted by my friend 30 minutes to midnight last Sunday night asking for help. She got locked out from her apartment. What? How she forgot about her keys is still a mystery to me. So here I am, just got back from hanging out with some friends, drove out again to the rescue.
I arrived at her apartment, trying to figure out how to get in. My first thought was to break open the door. But I don’t have the tools to pry it open. I’ve thought of ramming the door like what they did in the movies, but I guess instead breaking the door, I’ll end up breaking my bones. If only she had opened the bathroom window, I could just climb into it and I’ll be right back at my home.
Going back downstairs and trying again to figure out how to break into that second floor apartment. Yes, it’s at the second floor. I figure, if I could get to the neighbours apartment at first floor, I could at least climb up to the second floor kitchen. But my friend doesn’t want to wake up the neighbour. Then I noticed the 3rd floor bathroom window was opened. Its still empty so I could get into that apartment then go down to her apartment.
So here I am climbing the staircase grill to the apartment above, trying to get into the bathroom, holding to my dear life, praying hard not to fall. Know what? I manage to get into the apartment. So I quickly head to the kitchen trying to figure out how to get to the apartment below. It was way too high and I don’t have ropes to support me at least. My friend just pointed out that there a place for me to climb down. It’s easy for her to say, I’m the one who’s gambling with my life!
She went up to the apartment that I broke into. The door wasn’t locked. What? I climbed into the toilet bathroom and the door wasn’t locked? I feel stupid. She went to the balcony to take a look. Yeap, it’s quite high alright. So we abandoned the idea of climbing down to her apartment and went to her apartment door to contemplate more.
At the apartment door, she tried out a few keys, according to her, keys to all of the rooms, which was ironically in her car but no luck there. Then she tried to straighten a bent wire to try her luck again. I took hold of the wire instead and inserted it into the keyhole, agitate it a bit, imagining that I’m a private investigator trying to break it. Not long after that, ‘click’, the door was opened.

Hmm… I went through all of that when if I just try my luck with the wire, it will be over in a few minutes. How do I know I could opened it, I never crack open a lock before. I’ll make a mental note. If I came across with this sort of predicament, just imagine myself that I’m in a movie and I can solve the problem. That reminds me of when I left my car key in my car, at Bundu Tuhan, with a bunch of consultants who was busy doing their thing, not realizing my predicament. That’s another story.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

9 thoughts on “Hanging by the moment

  • bah, bila kita mau pecah rumah lain ni? hahaha!!
    just kidding..

  • kita pigi “kidnap” barbie doll hse lepas tu kita kasi pecah. can ba if you HAHAHA

  • I’ll call you the next time I left my keys… hang on, I don’t hv your number.. well, i’ll remember to try the bend a wire trick then

  • uisehh…mcm baca buku cerita eh pengalaman ko ni 😛 anw, ada tag utk ko. ko click ja la nama sa tu. mesti ko buat ah..MESTI hehe

  • waduh..yg buka pintu mmg mcemaskan..tapi part panjat2 ni bikin bdebar eh,bos..
    gila eh..gue kena pnjat Gunung Tahan mgigil suda..adeeeiii..

  • jen:memang pun time sekolah sya kena panggil mcgyver juga.

    azlina:nombor ku… kosong satu sembilang, lapang lapang kusung, tekang tekang bukan dapa’ pung

    rieta:bukan selalu bikin bah hahahaha

  • ermmmm…can i knw which apartment is that ? hahhahha

  • LaViaP

    somewhere around penampang lah hahaha


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