North Borneo Geek

I’m still alive and I’m not an Astronaut

Kpd yg mengenali MOHD NORIF PAIVAL,ApaBla mbca sms ini dihrpkan byk2 bsabar & tenang krn beliau telah pun meninggalkn kita pd 17 MAC 09 jam 8.30mlm..akbt dr suatu pkara yg tdk di jangkakan..Dihrpkn dpt memp’bnykkn doa kpdnya agar beliau dirahmati ALLAH SWT atas pemergiannya sekali gus meninggalkn bumi trcinta.Dari saat ini.

Untuk menjadi Angkasawn y ke-2 mwkli Malaysia & Asia ke ISS slps DR SYEIKH MUZZAFAR… TAHNIAH

Some of you may have received this message yesterday somewhere around 10pm. I’m sorry. It’s a very terrible joke to be played among my really good friend. I want to say sorry to have made you guys panic.

Deep down in my heard I would like to say sorry to Ajim, Althea Abigail Neave, Lilieanty, Joe Primus, Noy, Olsen Child, Azilah, Tashi, Dexter, Eita, Julie, Brathart, Asmawi, Valerie, Vivileanty, Yozeera, Irene, Jadda, Jenny, Jolivia, Josue, Kaesen, Lylyendy, Marina, Angie, Cashine, Dewi, Shahnaz, Siti Moira, Michele & Emma. This is the first and the last of this type of message. I love you guys! Cheers 😉

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

9 thoughts on “I’m still alive and I’m not an Astronaut

  • Habis la niiii… kena pukul la ko nih – then you should’ve wished that you were really leaving!! Hahahahaha..

  • ishh.. skit lagi sia yg ‘leaving’ tau.. hahaa!! but still, i think you got almost everyone.

  • i thought you really2 got lost in the enchanted forest! Hahaha. Na’uzubillah. Palis2. Your sms i received only halfway through, tengah2 ada missing link. sampai “pemergiannya” jak. i was driving back to my hotel and very2 tired lagi tu. Mo kena kasi tendangan padu maut ko ni pai…

  • hahahah.. this geek has decided not to venture into the enchanted forest but to explore the countryside 😉

  • Wuiiii!!! Bikin takazut! Nasib sia teda terima sms begini. Can be too much a joke for some people ni. Bule kasi heart attack.

    • nasib baik sya teda no fon kau. kalau nda kau pun dapat tu 😉

      sya ada kwn yg memang lemah jantung. that person was spared hehehehe

  • Lain kali buat lagi! tiada starbucks ni tau! hahaha…

    • alah noy. sudah cakap sorry bah. once and the last sudah sya bikin tu


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