North Borneo Geek

Life is too good to settle for anything!

You Are Pretty Happy Being Single

You have a full, fun life. And you definitely don’t need love to be content.
Of course, being single can get you down a little. Especially when you’ve been single for a while.
But you know how to be patient and wait for the right person. You’re life is too good to settle for anything!

I’m not saying that I like being single nor did I say I would stop looking for my other half, but in all honesty, I feel content where I am right now. I feel free; free to think whatever I want, getting more creative, doing all the things that I have left ever since I left school, I left college. Some I have already started back and some have yet to be restarted. It did occur to me that this could be me having my midlife crisis or could it be that I’m filling my feeling of emptiness, whatever it is, I am happy where I am. And all honesty, this is what I do best, seriously!

Yeah sure I do miss having a relationship. Who doesn’t? I think that you’re just lying to yourself when you say you don’t miss it, unless you never been in one. To be in love and being love is another state of mind which I personally think is a goal for every human being, and I’m not talking about just a specific type of love, I’m talking globally.

Me being content being single has also got to do with someone’s commenting about how I treat my relationship. I do admit I was wrong but I can’t help it. When I’m so immersed at doing things, I tend to forget everything around me. I tried not to do it but I alas I’m still doing it. Thinking back on my pass relationship, I sure made my exes mad hehehe. Sorry about that! I’m really good at being somebody’s friend but actually very cruel when I’m somebody’s other half. Don’t get started with me on how, when or with who, I would have to blog it with chapters! Oii and I can’t imagine when I’m somebody’s husband! With that reason my fellow reader, made me think more that this is probably the best for me.

This could just be a phase I’m going through, whether I’m venturing into the enchanted forest or out to the country side, I will maybe in the future settle down from my so called adventure, to finally find someone who are not only perfect to my eyes, but also having small imperfection that make them perfect to me. To those who are trying to get close to me, to better understand me, from the bottom of my heart, I really appreciate your friendship.

Yes, you’ve sense it. I got this tag from my cousin, Zaweni.

Shampoo: Sunsilk Anti Dandruff
Bags: Camelbak
Tshirt: No brand
Shoes: Hush Puppies
Socks: Hush Puppies
Toothpaste: Darlie
Computer: Acer Aspire 4920
Wallet: No brand haha
Pencil Case: I have one
Pens: Pilot G-2, Parker, Stabillo
Watch: Casio
Magazines: none
Chocolate: Hershey’s Kisses Almond
Chips: mores? Get it? Chipsmore? Hehehehe

[In the Morning I am]
I am fresh

[All I Need Is]

[I Am Afraid Of]

[I Dream About]

[current Mood]

[Current Clothes]
Plain white T-shirt and pants

[Current Music]
Listening Rudolf Red by Dragon Red on my iPod Shuffle


[you hugged]
Sobri, congratulating him because he finished Silat 😉

[you kissed]
Erkk… Darn! Someone whom I blogged last month OK?

[you talked to]
Cikgu Zulhairi



*krik* *krik* *krik* *krik* *krik*

Hush Puppies


[tv show]



Understanding: Yup
Insecure: Nope
Friendly: Yup yup yup
Smart: Smartass more like it
Moody: Nope
Childish: Sometimes
Independent: Yup
Hardworking: That depends on what I’m working on
Healthy: Yes, I think so
Emotionally Stable: I think so
Difficult: Yes according to my ex.
Bored Easily: By George you got it!
Responsible: Yes
Trusting: Yes
Patient: Most of the time


To Kill: Cockroach
Actually see naked: Darn! Why must those senior during school camping went showering naked? WTF!


Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Pink or Blue: Blue


  1. My phones
  2. Identity Card
  3. Note book
  4. Pen
  5. Nikon P5000
  6. Small tripod
  7. iPod Shuffle
  8. Cricket
  9. Cricket
  10. Cricket
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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “Life is too good to settle for anything!

  • 😉 Weeeehooooooooo! Welcome back Pai =)
    Honestly speaking, You are actually really content rite that moment you wrote this blog eh? I’m feeling it man. You finally stepped out of ur “safe zone” and last nite at Grace point, you really show it! For the first time ever, u communicate and u let ur true self shine! That was indeed very surprising to me, but so far that’s the best version of u!!! I like the new pai, Welcome back!!! Hugsssss

    • yeah, i’m slowly getting out from my confort zone and feeling good about it 🙂

  • Good Boy! Keep it up Sweetie 🙂

  • hidup tidak single tidak semestinya hepi. ramai jak kawan2 aku tu muda2 lagi sudah bercerai. bila rush, we tend to make mistake(s) kan?

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