North Borneo Geek

Your baby boy is not retarded and have a perfect lip

Baby boy!!!It was a fine day, both of my parents and three very young uncles who were at the back of a Volkswagen Beetle, which dad borrowed from his friend, was on their way back to KK. I was at that time in my mom womb for 5 months, oblivious to what is happening outside of my safe heaven. Back then dad was in the force, was driving fast because he was running late. I think we stayed at the officer’s quarters at Kepayan.

I think some of us know that a Beetle would skid from its track when you’re cornering. If you don’t know about it, well you do now, hence why those old Beetle enthusiast like their wheel wide, to give more traction. The car that my dad drove that day was also having a little problem. Don’t ask me what, even dad have forgotten about it. But it’s still clear in mom’s memory.

I think dad must have made abrupt cornering or he could be trying to avoid something because right after that, the car turns 180 degrees. Not only that, while it made that turn, the car practically flew, yes ladies and gents, it flew, while tumbling upside down three times, on the air, before it landed back on its four wheels. Sounds like I took that directly from a Walt Disney movie starring Herbie the Beetle aren’t I? It’s actually true, mom saw everything.

What was happening inside the car? My dad was busy holding my mom down and myself, my uncles who were at the back was laughing throughout thinking it was a roller coaster ride. I’m dead serious! And mom? Mom was gripping and holding the handle and side of her seat, watching dad holding her down without realising what’s really going on, and hearing my uncles’ laughter. Yup, the event I just told you guys is from mom’s point of view. I’m not questioning what she had told me on my birthday morning yesterday, which I ask her to recall back that incident. I’m just very grateful that I’m 33 this year, still have my family and friends around me.

The danger was not over mind you. A day after that accident, I stopped moving inside moms womb, but I was back kicking again after that, thank god! On 4th April, 1976 at 1:15 in the afternoon, I was brought into this world. Mom was relieved that I was not brain damaged from the accident and dad was relieved I was not cleft lip from the accident. Cleft lip? Yes, according to dad’s race, they believe that when an unborn baby was shaken in the womb, the child would be born with cleft lip. Funny eh? Dad was really concern about my look rather than my brain. Still I’m grateful to my parents who raised me to be what I am today. Thank You!

I have a great birthday yesterday; get lots of birthday wishes, mainly from Facebook. First of all I want to say thank you to Irene for these delicious cakes a week before my birthday.

Birthday Cheese Cake

Birthday Cheese Cake

And for this drawing sketch book. I straight away bought myself an oil pastel colour and art eraser. I’ve wanted to get myself reacquainted with drawing this time using oil pastel. I’m also going to get charcoal later on.

My 33th Birthday Present

I would like to say thank you to my friends from Silat Cekak Hanafi Sabah Branch for bringing me out for a game of bowling and later on after that bringing me to Secret Recipe and treating me to a Chocolate Banana cake. After that some of us went to watch Fast and Furious 4, a great movie I tell you! Makes you want to drive like them.

My 33th Birthday Cake

My 33th Birthday Cake

My 33th Birthday Cake

Meet up with Irene later that evening and she bought me yet another cakes from Hyatt. Thank you again.

My 33th Birthday Cake

My 33th Birthday Cake

And lastly, I want to say thank you for all the birthay wishes, wishes from Amin Ismail, Rofendy, Rina Masni, Azlina, Suzzane, Gwen, Atul (midnight text, every year, without fail), Althea, Walter, Debbie, Nattelim, Roselinda, Chatherine Kong, Heidi Le-Aaziz, Liz Mohd Dun, Kaesen, Michele Tung, Mandy Tung, Yozeera, Alicea, Shahnaz, Sandra Louis, Shima, Mozani, Surema, Alicetine, Marina Lamri, Magdalene Munoz, Sue Thien, Hafez, Sarah Bee, Jenie Fidelis, Gerald Chung, Intan, Awang Masri, Syahrom, Arnizam, Arman, Zulkarnain Kasi, Mohammad, Nurbayah, Awang Herwan, Staff of Secret Recipe Centre Point, Haslinah Mohd Dun, Jolivia, Sanjay, Asnan, Martina L. Soemon, Ignatius Sipaun, Mahathir Azmi, Eita, Ani Goldah, Jasinta, Tania David, Ahmad Kassim and Sahana.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

14 thoughts on “Your baby boy is not retarded and have a perfect lip

  • Happy Belated Bday…:D
    Rean ada wish juga baa… tp di Pet Society. hehehe

  • happy birthday. it is still the 4th in the States 🙂

    look like you got a lot of cakes from Irene… anybody special??? hehe…

    interesting story about your mom’s pregnancy…

    • hahaha… she’s like a big sister to me, plus her late father share birthday with me. thank you for the wish 🙂

  • Pai hun – it was nice of u to post all the cake pix leh, Thanks…u don’t have to leh(shy ohhh) hehe… did u put it in the fridge?

    Aza dear – hello sweetie, pai shared the same bday date with my late father leh, which all these while i never have any chance to celebrate his bday or give him at least a piece of cake…so it was kinda like reminising “the old days” leh 😉

  • kenapa nama sa x ? wuwuwuwuwu..mentang2 la sa wish u on that day thru sms ja ahhh….

  • noy: eh? tiada ka? alah, lupa tulis dalam note book sya tu hahaha. ada bah dalam list tu guna sms/mms. thank you for your birthday wish 🙂

    azlina: hahaha… i’m getting better at food photography? hahaha

  • hey pai…saw u n da geng coming out frm SR yday…hahaha~~ but u seems busy, mcm tour guide tuh guiding ur geng…so i pass by tepi2 ja~ ndak sempat tegur…hahaha…Happy Blated Bday 😀 best wishes n Do take care!

  • wow.. sedap oo tu kek semua.. yum yum…

  • ZulCarNine

    eh ada jg gambar aku cni?heheh.buli la ba tu gambar siring2.

  • wahahahaa.. lawak jg crita tu.. best jg kan ada jg cerita b4 kena lahir 🙂

    • i’m very lucky ada cerita “hebat” sebelum lahir. adik beradik sya yang lain cerita standard saja.

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