North Borneo Geek

Blood sucking vermin

I donated my blood last Thursday. Not to that pesky blood-sucking vermin, not even to that blood-sucking vampires; not that I believe they exist, do they? No no, I donated my blood to Queen Elizabeth Hospital; saw them having a blood donation drive as I was on my way to get my car at KK Plaza. I feel good after donating, a bit woozy but good. A good woozy. A twitteriffic woozy. I was practically smirking all the way walking up to my car. Superific HAHAHAHAHA

To tell the truth, I’m afraid terrified of blood. Seriously! Every time I see blood I feel like I’m going to faint, countless of time. I still remember back when I was in university, went to the clinic because I was having a high fever, the look on the nurse’s face when she saw the thermometer at 39 degree Celcius still etch in my head. She quickly asks me to go to the toilet and get myself wet. I must have looked funny because I was dripping wet coming out of the toilet and students was staring at me with that quirky puzzled face. I was asked to wait for the doctor to do a blood test. There I was sitting and waiting while people went passed me, puzzled with my new fashion statement. Now that’s what I call a “Wet Look”. Get it?

I was asked to lay down while the doctor was carrying a box where I took a peek at it. Oh my god! It must have been the biggest needle I ever laid eyes on. It’s humongous! And they were going to jab me with it to get my blood sample. It was nice that the doctor manages to calm me down and took my blood after the second try because I had stiffened up when she first tried to poke me. I was extremely scared of blood and a big needle. Terrified!

The first time I donate my blood was back in 2004, Erlinna and I was at Centre Point and saw a blood donation drive at Palm Square. I told her I wanted to donate mine, Erlinna couldn’t donate hers because she have Anaemia. I was still terrified by the idea but this time around I have Erlinna to calm me down, and everything went smoothly, without any incident of having to poke me twice.

The second time I donated blood was in 2006, a week before Erlinna went for her cancer surgery where this time around I had to go alone, but thinking of how important it was for Erlinna, I managed to overcome my fear and went alone.

The third time was in 2008 when IEM Sabah organized a blood donation campaign. I was not as terrified as before but having Charlotte beside be then did help to calm me down.

This year, the fourth time, I was still having the jitters but still, I have managed to overcome my fear. Hence why I was smirking all the way walking up to my car, reminiscing back on how much I have overcome my fear.

As long I am still alive and healthy, I will try my very best to donate my blood. If any of you readers required O positive type blood, please find me and I would be gladly donate mine 😉

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

3 thoughts on “Blood sucking vermin

  • awwww..
    the sweet love of pain from the needle. 😀
    i would be donating but i have to stop poking myself with needles. darn..

  • oh yeah, you have a tattoo. i remember answering question about it.

  • Awwww….you make me proud there hun, HUGSSSSS!! If I’m not anaemic i would have been there too myself 😉 but then again, the thought of that BIG Needle…hmmm I think..maybe next time :p heeeee


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