North Borneo Geek

No more safe heaven

As he was doing some work and browsing his friends photo; though he is not good with multitasking as he used to be, his attention was grabbed to one particular photo. In that photo lay two of his friend, one of which he knew from a chat room meet up and another is his former schoolmate, both happily posing while they were, from what he sees, was a cooking session interrupted.

But what drawn him to that particular picture was not the fact that he has not seen his chat room friend; occasionally they saw each other on the road just exchanging horn, waved and smile. Nor to the fact that his former schoolmate is as attractive as she was back in school time; he noticed that but never had he had any crush on her, not then and not even now. The thing that drawn him to that picture was where that particular picture was taken. He is very familiar with it, except for a few new things which he think is new.

To be honest, he does feel great despair for he had chipped in to make that place liveable. Reminiscing the time when he help; although he has no idea what to get, he trust that his back then better half would know what to get. This dragon only know how to eat, occasionally cook, but would rather appreciate a better cook; maybe help a bit in producing a great dish.

Something inside him just boiled up. No he is not having a gas, or wanting to breathe out fire; for he is trying very hard to contain his fury. He was pondering back to the past that made him angry to all that had happen; toward himself included. If he was not serious with what he had, he wouldn’t have agreed on getting it using his hard earn funds. If he was not serious, he would not have volunteered to use his facilities to obtain some certain things.

All of the comments he gets during that period of time made him ponder over and over without showing any end to it. Though he looked calm and poise on the outside, there are still occasional gale inside. These thought of collective negative comments had kept him from letting anyone getting closer, he certainly don’t feel that he needed it; not at this moment, or any other moment. As he likes to keep things as simple as possible, staying where he is now is better to avoid further complication and would simplify his life even more. It is also a fact known to him that he does work better when he is left alone and he likes it as it brings more “light bulb” moment than before.

Thought a certain aspect of his life is an utter failure, he is much grateful that he is still surrounded with friends. He is grateful to have rekindled a lost friendship in which he is now determined to change his world. He is also grateful to a News Lady who made him interested to become a News Man (err it that what they call them? Need some help here) This dragon will live as a dragon should be, not as arrogance or conceitedness as what people might see or think, but passionate in all he do and doing it in grand fashion. He is after all unafraid of challenges, and willing to take risks!

This dragon need to let out steam in a constructive way by just writing down what ever in his head and leave it somewhere, just like Dumbledore who kept his memories in a small bottle to leave valuable thinking space for more pressing matters, only to conjure it up a look at it in a pensive. His only hope that those who read this would or may leave any comments or arguments in here and never to let it leave this realm of cyberspace.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

7 thoughts on “No more safe heaven

  • 1.tht incident wit the hard earn fund….either do something wit it or let karma takes it course …i feel u hugssss….

    2.interesting news lady 😉 as long as she can motivate u, good news eh 😉

    3.figuratively speaking hun….write all the hurt on the sand because time will always change and over time it’ll heal it self…don’t know exactly how it’ll affect you but some put it to good in building a new stronger personality after a disaster…a light that is so bright you even forget tht u’ve been in a dark tunnel….You’ll be fine sweetie…as long as there’s a heart beat, u know u’ll be ok..hang on there HUGSSSSS

  • That’s deep, man. 🙂

    Karma always finds its way into each of our lives. As good as it is to spell out negativity into writing, remember to embrace more positivity in your life. Life’s too precious. Cheers.

    • hahaha.. embracing life positively i defenitely will 😉

  • Life goes on..dont give up on ur faith..i owez watch n pray for u.. 🙂

    (that’s the way it is..)
    I can read your mind and I know your story
    I see what you’re going through
    It’s an uphill climb, and I’m feeling sorry
    But I know it will come to you

    Don’t surrender ’cause you can win
    In this thing called love

    When you want it the most there’s no easy way out
    When you’re ready to go and your heart’s left in doubt
    Don’t give up on your faith
    Love comes to those who believe it
    And that’s the way it is

    When you question me for a simple answer
    I don’t know what to say, no
    But it’s plain to see, if you stick together
    You’re gonna find a way, yeah

    So don’t surrender ’cause you can win
    In this thing called love

    When you want it the most there’s no easy way out
    When you’re ready to go and your heart’s left in doubt
    Don’t give up on your faith
    Love comes to those who believe it
    And that’s the way it is

    When life is empty with no tomorrow
    And loneliness starts to call
    Baby, don’t worry, forget your sorrow
    ‘Cause love’s gonna conquer it all, all

    When you want it the most there’s no easy way out
    When you’re ready to go and your heart’s left in doubt
    Don’t give up on your faith
    Love comes to those who believe it
    And that’s the way it is

    When you want it the most there’s no easy way out
    When you’re ready to go and your heart’s left in doubt
    Don’t give up on your faith
    Love comes to those who believe it
    And that’s the way it is

    That’s the way it is
    That’s the way it is, babe
    Don’t give up on your faith
    Love comes to those who believe it
    And that’s the way it is.

  • celine dion-that’s the away it is 🙂


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