North Borneo Geek

Banggi Tragedy

*WARNING! You are reading a super long post, to my standard at least*

It was the morning of 26th November 2009, and everybody was busy in the house getting ready because today my dad, mom, Raihana, Nadiah and her husband Roy are going to Banggi Island, North of Sabah, where my dad came from. Rizal and I didn’t go because of work commitments. Originally Hanafiah and his wife Zaiton would be coming along too but that day he was not feeling well and his wife had food poisoning. So it was just five of them, together with a few of my relatives from my mother’s side, going by 5 cars altogether. It was about midnight, I’m about to doze off when I received a phone call from my uncle from my dad’s side, informing me that the boat that was carrying them didn’t arrive. They were following a normal villager’s boat; very much the same as the one parked next to Pasar Besar KK, at about 4 pm. I have been in this type of boat a few times, mainly because of work. My company have a few projects at Banggi Island and at times, I have to go there using these boat. Using this type of boat, you can easily reach Karakit in two hours’ time, if it’s not full of cargo and has a good engine, but most of the time it’s three hours. There is one passenger ferry service going to and from Karakit but it is limited to one ferry only and during this time of the year, that ferry is always full. My family couldn’t make it to board that ferry because it was already full. I think that’s why all of them decided to go using the ill-fated boat. At first thought of the news, I was thinking that maybe the boat was having an engine problem. But then again, you can still get faint signals on your mobile phone and message for help. It was half an hour after that that I have to prepare for the worst. My dad was found floating on the sea and the boat had sunk, none of my family members; except for my dad, know how to swim.

These are my lovely sisters
These are my lovely sisters

The weather was fine, the sea was calm. Ferry was full so they decided to take a ride on a villager’s boat, which was scheduled to bring in construction supplies to Karakit. This is the normal practice over there, a harmless normal practice. They set off at about 4:30 pm. Everyone was happy, this was their first boat ride to Karakit. My family had been to Karakit once a few years back but at that time we went by ferry. My brother and I had been there way before that because my dad was an assemblyman for Banggi, between 1983 till 1985. I can imagine how exciting that was, surrounded by your loved one, playing with the water splashing by the side of the boat. From the photo that we manage to salvage from one mobile phone, which belongs to my late cousin Haizum, the sea was calm, as if nothing could go wrong, nothing. Mom and Nadiah were in the cabin, Roy was at the stern, Raihana and dad at the bow told my dad that they would prefer going home by boat and not ferry. As I said, it was fun. 10 minutes after saying that, the boat capsizes, without any warning.

A wave had hit the boat on its side, coupled with the heavy cargo, and fell to the other side of the boat, making the boat capsize. Everyone was caught off guard. Mom and Nadiah were in the cabin when it happened, and drowned instantaneously. The rest tried to cling to the upside-down boat. Not long after that, the wave swings the boat back into its normal position. Although it is full of water, the cargo was already at to bottom of the sea. Everybody climbs back into the boat. A cousin of mine did a chest compression on Nadiah and she manage to breathe again while mom’s body was lying lifeless. Soon after Nadiah could breathe again the boat capsize again for the 2nd time. That had ensured Nadiah’s fate. The boat had turned a few times before it sank to the bottom. Just before it sank, my dad manage to tie those who had drowned to the boat so that they won’t drift away into the sea, thinking that the boat won’t sink. It’s not easy to tie your loved one to the boat especially when it’s your own wife and daughter. The other two were my aunt and cousin. After the boat sank, the rest of the survivors just drifted for hours, fighting for their life as at this point, the wave keep pounding them. My dad was holding on to the orange fish container which was floating while Raihana was holding onto dad. It was hours when my sister told my father that she was tired and couldn’t hold on anymore and said sorry. A few seconds after that she slipped away. That was the last dad saw her.

Among 21 of my family members, only 5 survived the tragedy, and 2 still missing at sea.

The important women in my life
The important women in my life

Mom, you are not the best cook. You liked to add turmeric to all your cooking, and I always have to separate it before eating. Still, your cooking tells me that you’re safe at home. You like to watch those Indonesian dramas, even though the storyline sucks big time. At times I too get dragged watching it and started asking you all sorts of questions and you would answer back without showing any sign of annoyance. That tells me you’re safe at home. I’m going to miss you.

Nadiah and Erlinna

Nadiah, you are one cool sister. You are the one who we turned to when we have a girl problem. Both of us liked female fronted bands and nearly form our own band. I’m going to miss listening to your sweet voice. I still remember early this year when I brought you along to a karaoke lounge with some friends, you left us mesmerised when you sang Foolish Games by Jewel. I loved hearing you sing Don’t Speak from No Doubt, our favourite band. You were a good friend to Erlinna when both of you were posted to Johor. Now both of you would befriend eternally. I’m going to miss you.

Raihana, you are the brainiac of this family. I sucked at Add Maths but you’re not. I still remember when you asked me for help with one of your maths problems. I was in the process of finding the answer when you say “oh, sini pula salah. ok la bang.”. I was left speechless. You solved the problem before I could solve it. Like the rest of us, who loved to watch anime, active in Silat, and know to play the guitar, you yourself would follow suit. You learn to play the guitar this year. A bother’s ego always wanted to look great in front of his sister. I would always try to teach you all I know about playing the guitar. I’m going to miss being that brother. I knew that somehow you could also sing. This video I got is from your boyfriend, who came to Kudat to wait patiently with the rest of us. Although you are still missing at sea, all of us know you are in a better place. I’m going to miss you.

Zaiddyroy and Nadiah

Roy, you are a good man. I know you really loved my sister and so does my sister. You were among those who are safe, you cried knowing Nadiah was tied to the boat. The moment you were separated from the other, everyone knew you went back to get your wife. As my sister said, cinta mati harus dijaga sampai mati, jangan sampai ke lain hati, you are now resting side by side with my sister, your wife, for eternity.

nadyas facebook

I’m not discouraging anyone who is reading this to not go and visit Banggi. It is a great place to visit. A few infrastructures are already in place since the last time I were there. I do hope everyone learned from this tragedy. This is not about whether life jackets should be provided on all boats. It is also about having safer transport as there are more and more people going in and out of that island. We need to also to have a good search and rescue plan in the event of such tragedy ever happening again. If I may give one suggestion, much like an aeroplane which always states their estimated time of arrival, a boat should do the same. If it didn’t arrive on time, search and rescue should be on their way. In my family’s case, it was about 6 hours when everyone started to look for them. 6 hours too late. The life jacket that was on that boat can only keep you floating for about 4 hours. Our family was sacrificed so that everyone would learn and benefit from it. Please don’t let them die in vain.

I was told that it is a bad omen if a boat that had already set off returned to the dock and set off again. That particular ill-fated boat had returned back to pick up another 2 passengers before setting off again.

Coincidently on the evening of the tragedy, I was listening to the soundtrack from The Boat That Rocked. I thank you for a friend who pointed that out that fact to me.

Sweet memories…

List of family members who were on the boat:

  1. Yahya Bin Othman (survived)
  2. Normah Bin Jainih (body found)
  3. Fatin Nadiah Bte Yahya (body found)
  4. Norhamisah Raihana Bte Yahya (lost at sea)
  5. Zaiddyroy Mohd Syukur (body found)
  6. Sudin Sugiman (survived)
  7. Ainah Bte Zaini (body found)
  8. Ahmad Tarmizi Bin Sudin (survived)
  9. Siti Zahirah Bte Sudin (survived)
  10. Akmal Izdihar Bin Sudin (body found)
  11. Haizum Nazihah Bte Sudin (body found)
  12. Afif Zakwan Bin Sudin (body found)
  13. Mazlan Bin Zaini (body found)
  14. Suzanna Bte Saiman (body found)
  15. Athirah Syafikah Bte Mazlan (lost at sea)
  16. Afza Syakirah Bte Mazlan (body found)
  17. Ahqef Sharkawi Bin Mazlan (body found)
  18. Fazwanie Farhain Bte Masnan (body found)
  19. Zurain Izora Bte Masnan (body found)
  20. Wahadhir Bin Hamdan (survived)
  21. Hajjah Aming Bte Nordin (body found)

Thank you for the prayers and words of support given by everyone.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

88 thoughts on “Banggi Tragedy

  • Al-Fatihah untuk semua yang terkorban .. and my prayers for those who are still missing …
    Be strong.. Allah will be with you to help you go through this.. InsyaAllah…

  • salam.. sya adalah coursemate raihana (kami panggil dia misa).. salam takziah sya kepada kamu sekeluarga.. walaupun misa still missing, tapi kita masih boleh berdoa semoga dia dijumpai.. sya dgn kawan2 yang lain akan tetap mendoakan keselamatan misa.. sya harap kamu dan keluarga tabah menghadapi dugaan ini… al-fatihah utk yg telah pergi.. semoga mereka ditempatkan bersama golongan yang beriman.. amin..

  • Sabar n terus berdoa akan kesejahteraan mereka di “Sana”…Al-Fatihah untuk mereka yang pergi….

  • DewiNuwa

    Al-Fatihah. Mudah2an Allah S.W.T meletakkan roh mereka dalam golongan orang2 beriman dan beramal soleh.

    Pai…. when i heard the news, i couldnt help but cried for you. now that i knew the whole story behind it, lagila i cannot tahan my tears…

    The whole things got ‘destiny’ written all over it. God works in mysterious way. Hikmah apa disebalik semua ni hanya Dia yang Maha Mengetahui. Kita hanya boleh redha dengan semua ketentuanNya.

    Our prayers and thoughts are with you and all your family.

  • Al-Fatihah. My prayers and condolence to you and your family.

  • Ainee Jamal

    Salam Pai,although I only know u secara casually thru my sis-c Moira,somehow,this tragedy has touched my heart the very moment u posted it at ur Fatihah buat Mama,Nadia,Roy yg terlebih dahulu pulang ke Rahmatullah..kita tetap berharap dan berdoa,akan dtgnya hari Raihana dan Athirah kembali bersua..Insyallah..anggaplah,perpisahan ini adalah sementara..di kala itu,Insyallah,Allah lindungi mereka,permudahkan dugaan mereka..Insyallah..Allah sentiasa permudahkan dugaan kamu & keluarga,diberi ketenangan hati,kesabaran dan kekuatan menempuh hari2 mendtg..AMIN

  • Jolivia

    Pai..this event has opened my mind about life A LOT and has touched my heart deeply…in many ways. I am sure others too.

    I have a huge respect for you for staying strong and positive. For, I can’t imagine of anything or how I am if I were in your shoes.

    Prayers for you and your family and for all. May the love of God comfort you during this difficult time.

  • my deep condolences to u n ur family..when i heard the news in tv, i din know that the tragedy involved ur family members… strong..God be with u n may their souls rest in peace..

  • Pai…. Saya adalah teman mengajar arwah nadya. I miss her.. :'( Semoga Saudara pai dan keluarga tabah menghadapi segala ujian dari Allah… Al-fatihah buat arwah dan arwah suaminya serta ahli keluarga yang lain… Semoga roh mereka di tempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman…. Sesungguhnya Allah lebih menyayangi mereka……AMIN…

  • i was speechless reading your post..eventhough im not nadia bestfriend but she leave a lot memories wt me as a housemate in Tuaran once upon time ago..:( and everytime i look at our pic together she will reminds me many thing that we shared as a friend ….al-fatihah.

  • to raihana’s family, my deep condolences to u guys. it’s hard to believe that the girl who i met for once has been missing in tragic. hope she’ll be find and fine in condition. still remember when i was sending her back to her campus after watching movie with his beloved bf who is also my good friend.
    just be strong. i’ll be the one who always pray for her return. amin.

  • to raihana’s family, my deep condolences to u guys. it’s hard to believe that the girl who i met for once has been missing in tragic. hope she’ll be found in a fine condition. still remember when i was sending her back to her campus after watching movie with his beloved bf who is also my good friend.
    just be strong. i’ll be the one who always pray for her return. amin.

  • Fendy21

    Salam Tuan,

    Takziah buat tuan sekeluarga. Semoga mereka di tempatkan bersama-sama orang-orang yang mendapat Rahmat Allah S.W.T. -Al Fatihah-

  • adrienne

    i’m so sorry to hear about your loss. May their souls rest in peace.

  • takziah dan al-fatihah….. Semoga tabah. Its ok if you want to cry and scream.. let it out….

  • Feeza/Joe/Afee

    Paival, my deepest condolences to you for the lost of your beloved ones. I followed your FB and Twitter since the day you posted that you’re alone with your cats at home. And everytime I read your updates, my heart sank. Take care my friend. InsyaAllah mereka ditempatkan dikalangan mereka yg beriman. My prayers go out to the missing victims.

  • Al-Fatihah. Semoga diberkati & dicucuri rahmat, dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman & bertakwa. Be strong Pai. Take care.

  • sedih sgt baca artikel ni… hrp bersabar & bykkan berdoa utk yg telah tiada… ajal & maut telah ditetapkanNya… al-fatihah…

  • Dya Hashim...

    Ya Allah yg Maha Berkuasa…. Tempatkanlah mereka dalam golongan org2 yg soleh n solehah… Takziah buat keluarga arwah…

  • Hanya tuhan yang Maha Mengetahui… semoga anda tabah.. saya turut simpati & sedih di atas bencana yg menimpa kluarga anda, walaupun saya tidak kenal mana2 ahli keluaga anda.. semoga mereka tenang di sana.. Al-Fatihah…

  • Paival, ever since I knew thru val(SVH)that you are related to the some of the victims of the boat tragedy, I was emotionally touched as to how you cope with this’musibah’ yang amat menyayat hati. Alfatiha untuk semua yang terkorban, terima lah ini sebagai satu ketentuan Allah kerana Allah maha mengetahui atas segala kejadian. Amin.

  • Sedih baca balik..Been there at Kudat couple of times..1st and 3rd day the boat went missing..Eroy and Fatin were like brother and sister to me..I helped Eroy alot when he worked at the studio..Hung out with Fatin and him till late at night at restaurant Bismillah..Listen to new bands together..I remember Kittie was Fatin’s favorite..They will be forever miss.

    Deep condolences to your family.You have such a strong family to accept this fate.

  • My deep condolences to you. Be Strong!!!!

  • Deepest condolences…
    Hopefully the two missing ones are to be found ASAP.
    All of the coursemates of Raihana (aka Misa) will pray hard for her.

    May God bless her.

  • what an untimely, my condolences to u.

    I’ve just read what was happened, and I’am deeply touched.

    Al-fatihah to all of the the victims and your beloved families. It really tough but belive me only Allah knows and let this be at His.

    Be strong brother, there were, are, and will be challenges in life…

    Semoga roh mereka di cucuri dan di rahmatiNya..AMIN

    Warmest regards,

  • hi norifpaival…

    salam takziah utk kamu skeluarga…sa knl fatin nadiah. Dia junior sa d 2ndary school…she was a beautiful lady n love to c her in school whenever i met her in corridor…harap tabah hadapi suma ni…things happened 4 a reason…takecre

  • Paival, i’m sorry and give you my condolences to you and your family.

    Tin was a great friend and amazing rocker inside out. The few good friends i ever had. She married a very good man.

    May her soul and the rest of your lost family’s soul be blessed by Allah S.W.T.


  • Faival. I am sorry.deep condolences to u r family..
    saya ada baca pasal tragedy banggi ni tapi tak perasan pula yg terlibat tu u r family. my hubby’s niece yang bagi tau n forward u r blog.saya sangat terkejut apabila keluarga yang terlibat tu saya kenal.
    Salam Takziah.

  • I am deeply touch with this tragedy.
    And although i dont know u and ur family in person, but do accept my most sincere condolence.
    Be strong and may their souls rest in peace….

  • my deep condolences to u n ur misah fren…hope she’ll be found…to misah’s strong k..god bless u all

  • valerie

    hello there.. been reading this post so many times and been listening, watching that vid countless times.. i am a friend of rehan.. thnk you for uploading that vid.. will miss her so much…

  • Intan Zainorifah Bt. Zainal Abidin

    Salam takziah.. walaupun saya tidak mengenali setiap ahli yg terlibat.. namun jauh di sudut hati tetap merasa kesedihannya.. tidak dapat membayangkan perasaan awak ketika ini… Al- Fatihah untuk mereka…

  • my deep condolences for u n ur family..
    Fatin was a very best friend to me since we were in Kent…often sms her wen i hv problems or felt i feel awkward wen i didnt receive sms frm her anymore (last sms on 26nov,3.45pm)…
    i introduced her to Roy when we were in 1st sem in Kent (n finally get married..happy to see them together)..
    we went a lot of experience…i’ll nvr forget those days wen i went to her ruma sewa in pontian…(yang sgt boring)n i hd pity on her bcos of that place..i was happy for her wen she got transfered in putatan,so that she could be get close with her loved ones…

    gonna miss them so much…May the Almighty Allah bless their souls n may they rest in peace…
    n to you pai n family…be strong n God bless you too..;)) Amen

  • SHi_MeMeNg

    salam laviap…
    Al-Fatihah..sorry for your lost…
    Heard it from a friend..sabar strong
    Deep condolences to u n ur family
    Semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat …AMIN

  • Rangraini AbdulGhani

    SALAM. Salam takziah dari kami sekeluarga. Moga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas roh2 yang telah pergi dan menempatkan mereka dalam golongan para syuhada. Banyakkan bersabar. Kami turut bersimpati dan bersedih. Muga tabah.

  • I ask Allah to to give mercy and forgiveness to all your family. InsyaAllah. Be strong my friend.

  • umi_meera

    Saya bekas rakan sejawat mama Pai. We used to called her Kak N in office. For me, mama is like a mother to me. We shared a lot of things time d ofis. She went to my wedding ceremony a week after arwah Nadiah’s wedding. I were there too..
    Honestly I cried every time she appeared in my mind. Like others until this moment, I never believe that she’s gone already, forever…I misses her jokes, her smiles…Insya Allah, when I’m going back to Sabah, I hope to ziarah pusara mama…
    Al-Fatihah buat semua yang telah pergi utk selamanya…

  • Hi. I’ve experienced myself when the boat i board capsized last year. It was a real bad experience that still haunts me now. When i was reading your post, i couldn’t hold my tears. I know how painful it is to lost any family member or friends, and for your case, there’s so many love ones involved. Do take care and be strong especially for your dad.

  • Salam Takziah, dan alfatihah untuk semua yang pergi.
    Hari Sabtu baru saya dapat berita.. lambat betul berita kalau duduk di kg..

  • When i was reading your post, i couldn’t hold my tears. May their soul rest in peace. Be strong.

  • Ayusha.

    .Assalamualaikum.. Xterasa mgalir airmata sy saat mbacanya..wlaupn sy xknal fmily,tp dia tetap saudara kta sesama islam..tkziah sy ucpkan utk anda..dan al_fatihah tuk arwah..smga roh mereka d trima d sisi Allah s.w.t.. Innalillahi wa inna lillahi rojiun.

  • salam….terasa sedih bila dapat tahu yang antara kenalan saya, Zaidiroy, meninggal dunia….saya kenal time keja di rasa ria…he’s the one who really hardworking person, responsible, kind to anyone….

    seriously, its really sad to knew the tragedy was happen to those people who really near to you…feel sad about it,,…Al-Fatihah….

  • Fatin Nadiah was my senior in Stella Maris..

    So sorry to hear the news.. condolences to you and family..

  • adlena hany (hunny bunny)

    salam takziah for Mr. Norif & family…
    be strong…
    this is a test from Allah Almighty…
    be patient…
    life must go on…
    “~Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards~ qouted by: Soren Kierkegaard from
    Danish philosopher (1813 – 1855)”

  • connie tasya

    salam untuk anda…sy x kenal sapa anda tp sy dpt tau pasal anda from my workmate, Rina. Sedih sgt bila baca story you tu…sy dpt imagine sy berada di tpt awak…hampir seluruh family awak sekaligus pergi meninggalkan awak…mmg amat menyakitkan tp kita sbg hamba Allah, kita kena redha & tawakal atas apa yg berlaku…mungkin di sana lah sdh tertulis ajal mrk…kita yg still hidup ni mampu berdoa utk mrk smoga mrk ditempatkan di antara mrk yg beriman…Amin!

  • I’m very sorry for the tragedy happened to your family. It is not easy and it requires a lot of courage to face the death.

    I hope you and your dad embraces the sorrow and live for those who had left you.

    You are not alone, and I believe those who had gone hoping you and your dad to live the best for them.

    Please accept my condolence.

  • veronica

    I’m deeply sorry about your loss. May their souls rest in peace. Parying for you and your family to be strong to face the trial.

  • Salam norifpaival,

    the last time i read your blog it was about your fiancee tragic death due to cancer, and now a tragic death involved your family members..

    you are such one of a strong person norif to be chosen to go all through these dugaan hidup..i salute for that..

    in the mean time, be strong and redha of ketentuan Ilahi..may their soul rest in peace

  • My deepest condolences to u and the rest of the family.
    Be strong..

  • Dear Paival

    My deepest condolences to you and your family. Thanks for sharing your story.

  • Al Fatihah to all the people who cant make it….it touched my heart and i did cry…hoping that u can take it well…and be strong…Allah loves them more…
    condolences to u n ur family….it’s part of the test in dis lives…hope u n ur father are doin good….

  • Nunu Nopolah

    I’m’re strong..God Bless!

  • Shevon Chia

    please accept my heartfelt condolence of your lost, please stay strong and optimistic, take care…

  • i’m sorry for ur loss.
    be strong.

    found ur blog thru other blog which i cant remember which url. its a coincidence i knew erlinna too. she’s my senior at maktab keningau. we heard she passed away but i never thought that her cancer was that bad.

    Al Fatihah.

  • takziah .semoga anda sentiasa tabah .

  • Asywanti Andrew

    My deepest condolence to the author of this blog…sorry for ur lost of ur family..I would really understand how u felt about this incident because of the victim is my cousin (Roy)..up till today me n the rest of the family still could not believe that Roy is no longer with us anymore as well as his wif(Fatin)whom i met

  • I came across your blog in one of my friend’s website. I am sorry for your lost of your family. Its not too late for me sending my condolences to you and family. Al-fatihah, semoga roh-roh mereka yang telah pergi itu sentiasa dicucuri rahmat olehNYA. Amin.

  • Dear Paival,

    Our condolences on the ill-fated tragedy that befalled you and your family. Nadiah (or Fatin as we’d always call her) was among our old schoolmates and undeniably one of the most cheerful people we had the opportunity to share our lives with. That said, it must’ve been an absolute honor to be her brother.

    Our prayers go to Nadiah and those who perished on the Banggi tragedy; a solemn reminder that God is Almighty and we are but his servants. InsyaAllah, I believe everything happens for a reason and that every single one of your family is in a better place now – resting among His believers in Jannah.

    Our regards to you and your family, and we hope you rise from this bettered rather than battered.

    -Jeff and Nadiah’s Tg. Aru I schoolmates

  • A’kum… wish u b strong 2 face all d hard time.. i’m fatin classmate in kent.. Still can’t believe tat they already gone… althgh i only knew her 4 a short time, she was a wndrful fren.. miz her smile, her sweet voice n everything about her… May ALLAH bless them…

  • Juriah Hj. Uda

    Salam.My condolences to you and your family.Wish you be strong and redha upon this tragedy. May Allah bless them.

  • Natalie

    My deepest condolonce for ur loss.. I wish u much strength and patience in this trying times.

  • Noniallanis

    Akum deepest condolence for you and your family..(im roy cousin) may they rest in peace.wish you be strong..sma2 la kta redha..Allah love Roy & still have us when u need smbody to talk with.

  • Just got to know about this particular post frm Spiji’s blog… my heart sank when I read Nadiah’s last post on FB…. speechless! Again my heartfelt condolences to you and family…

    anyways… Happy New Year to you…

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  • Salam takziah… sedih untuk mengenang, pahit untuk diraung… semoga kekuatan kepada anda sekeluarga… Al-Fatihah, sedekah kepada mereka yang telah pergi…. AMin

  • This is an overdue condolence wishes, but I still feel that it’s best not to be kept in heart.

    deepest condolences to u and your family. Even though it’s been more than 5 months after the fateful incident, i know it still hurts inside..
    I don’t know you, but I shed a tear reading this..

    I’ll pray for the demises tonight.

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  • OMG!! I personally knew ur late sis, Misa. we were in the same LDK back in matrix, then i went to study in semenanjung, and i just knew this accident from one of my fren today!! almost 6 months after. i am soo sorry for ur loss.

  • Pingback: to: Nurhamisah Raihana Yahya « revealingthetruth

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  • Hi, been following ur blog and late nadiah’s fb since the tragedy. Speechless, made me never drop any comment.But, Be strong =)

    “Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”

    Dayz 21.09.2010

  • reading this post, almost a year from the ill-fated date, still brings tears. terasa macam baru kemarin terjadi.

  • Pingback: Boat that rocked

  • 1 year has passed.. i know its still hurt.. but be strong.. your family need it..

  • salam, sedih sgt baca crita ni. sya pun baca d berita tp kwn sya engineer MAS yg hantar crita ni d email sya kami crita2 dlm kapal masa mau pigi haneda.. mmg sedih baca d surat kabar pun sedih apa lagi ni. tp apa yg sya boleh ckp kita yg hidup teruskan kehidupan kita yg pergi kita redhakan sbb ALLAAH amat menyayangi mereka.. kita cuma berdoa utk mereka.. tc

  • salam, takziah atas kejadian yang menimpa keluarga anda…..saya tak tau sapa anda tp saya dapat cite ni dari adik saya (waty)…..well, berserahlah padaNya kerana setiap yang terjadi tu cuma sebabnya sahaja sedangkan hakikat yang sebenarnya itu adalah takdir yang tertulis untuk mereka. saya pun ada kawan yang kehilangan seluruh ahli keluarga mereka semasa tragedi ribut Greg lalu…. sangat menyakitkan, itu sudah pasti dan untuk recovery memang lama….walau apapun sentiasa berdoa untuk mereka perlahan-lahan akan menyembuhkan rasa kehilangan itu….tc and be strong

  • Epilogue Epic

    sempena menyambut hari raya qurban tahun ini 2011 dan genap 2 thn ia beralu, Al Fatihah aku sedekahkan kepada arwah2 semua, semoga mereka ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yang beriman …

  • Pingback: Borneo Geek » A journey of hundreds miles start and end at Mi Casa

  • Takziah.. Alfatihah.. tidak terkata..


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