North Borneo Geek

From Wizard to Vampire

poster-cedric -choTo all Harry Potter fan who are following the movie series, this is Cedric Digory, the champion who represent Hogwarts to the Triwizard Tournament, along side with Harry Potter, competing against Victor Krum from Durmstrang Institute and Fleur Delacour from Beauxbatons Academy in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. He is also the so called school hunk, who is seeing Cho Chang, Harry’s at that time love interest. In that movie, on the third and final tournament task that involves navigating through a large maze; which is filled with magical obstacles, Harry and Cedric had successfully help each other to navigate inside the maze. They reached the Triwizard cup and agree to take hold of it simultaneously, making both of them the winners. The Cup turns out to be a portkey that transports them to an old graveyard where Diggory was killed by Voldermort’s Death Eater. This is where bone from Voldemort’s father’s grave, some of Harry’s blood, and the Death Eater’s own cut-off hand in a magical ritual that restores Lord Voldemort to a new body. Didn’t ring a bell?

twilight-scholarization2But to the rest of the world; women especially, he is known as Edward Cullen, the hunkiest vampire ever, so they say. How could a pale looking man be gorgeous to them is still a mystery to me. Seriously! After I watch Twilight last year, I keep on thinking where did I first saw this vampire. So I did my search and found out that he was a co-star in Harry Potter movie. He appeared as Edward Cullen about a year after he appear as the ghostly spirit of Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix. Hmm, I see some connection here. Anyway, I’m not against him or anything. I’m just pointing out where I remembered him from. That’s all.

If you still can’t see the resemblance, here is another photo of Robert Pattinson. No no, my reference is still from Harry Potter.

cedric.jpg*Photo courtesy from and Naruto Spoilers | Manga

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “From Wizard to Vampire

  • I’m preserving the memory of Cedric Diggory and have not watched Twilight nor New Moon yet. Don’t know what all the fuss is all about and why everyone’s so gaga over Edward Cullen.. heard the movies, storyline and acting aren’t that good anyway…and still don’t have any inkling to want to watch it.

    • i’ve watched both. i think its boleh-bolehlah. since i’m immune to vampire’s hypnotism, so i still think its diggory in that movie hahaha

  • wats wit the elf ear ? o_O *a bit turn off suda* hahaa…

    • what elf ear? errr… that’s your fantasy jen?

  • He looked so green in the Harry Potter movie! But anyway, I still find him hot 😛

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