North Borneo Geek

When is it your turn?

Photo from Apple’s Website (

I was asked by one of the aunties’ last night at home, in front of my dad and everyone else who came to the house, we’re having

Kenduri Tahlil

for 7 straight night, last night was the fifth night.

Bah bila lagi Faibal? Cepat la kau cari kawan. Ada juga kawan bapamu bercerita nanti.

I can only manage to draw a reluctant smile on my face, shaking my head; which the aunty manage to say,

Geleng² kepala sudah si Faibal.

And I went up to my room and went straight to sleep.

I’m not embarrassed to the fact that I was asked in front of everyone there. I’m just politely declining to be asked that question for the night, and I have another two nights to go through. Hopefully I wont be asked, again. Or else I have to do the disappearing to my room act again. It’s not that I don’t want to find one, it’s just that, owh I dunno, I don’t know what I want? Maybe I’m comfortable where I am now? I had a revelation from my cousin, days after the tragedy. Before Erlinna passed away, she asked Nadiah to find a replacement for me. Of course Nadiah didn’t do it because she said this to my cousin, “Erlinna saja faham perangai abang tu. Nanti sya pula kena marah abang kalau pandai² carikan untuk dia.”. What do you expect? I’m a Dragon! Or maybe the one that I want is out of reach? HAHAHA! 😉 OK enough about that.

Don’t you just hate it when you have to reinstall your operating system? I just hate it! The reinstalling is easy, the annoying part is to backup all the data, restoring it and having it running again just like before you reinstall your system. Damn it Microsoft! For weeks now I’ve experiencing problem with my Vista. I’ve search everywhere for the solution and I found one best solution. I need to reinstall my Windows. OK, easy enough. I just pop in my Vista CD and be done with it. Oh, I forgot, I’m using OEM that come with a new Laptop! That mean clean fresh Install! That is why I want a Mac! I’m sick and tired of this man. I’ve spent the whole day yesterday reinstalling, updating, restoring my laptop, and at the time I’m posting this, I haven’t finish restoring some of my application. I had enough with Windows whims. I’m going to work hard to get me a Mac! Take a look at this!

Funny eh? How about this?

Yeah, I planned to install Ubuntu Linux on my older laptop and Vista on the machine I’m working on now; to run games or application that runs on Windows only. I’m not going to desecrate my Mac with Windows! HUH!

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “When is it your turn?

  • “Did you try to turn your computer off and on again? Did that fix it?” Haha typical Windows solution….and typical IT “cop” advice.

    • i even jump on one leg and chant “bill gates”! HAHAHA

  • coincidently, i having problems with Vista too.
    beside the games, there are no other reason why i keep Window OS.
    let’s make a change!!

    • i think this machine is for photoshop editing only. the rest i want to use linux & mac. *jump on one leg chanting MacBook Pro*

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