North Borneo Geek

I’ve made my ex’s happy!

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A few months back, one of my ex kind of told me that she’s getting engage sometime this month. No I don’t know exactly when and where but it’s happening this month. I don’t really bother myself to find out about it anyway. The only thing I care about is just my family, friends and myself. It’s not only her, I also found out, on the same month, that another ex of mine is getting married. Whats sucks about this is that I don’t need to know that info; its very depressing for me, yet it somehow knows to find it’s way to me. Damn you universe!

I’m not really bothered by the news actually, frustrated maybe, but not that much. What bothers me is the fact that all of my ex’s are either engaged or married. Honestly, I’m connected to them via Facebook, which is good if you look at it from a different angle, except for those who don’t have Facebook account which I rarely but occasionally text, and one who removed me from her list; although we are now so called friend again but I would like to keep my ego and not to add her because its not me who removed, block, banned, set invisible from all social networking application out there, unless she add me, which is a different case. OK I got carried away. But yeah, surely enough, not long after the break up, they would definitely hit off with someone else.

Sitting in my “thinking room”, it got me thinking. Maybe my purpose in this world is just to get lost ladies back on track to their destiny, the Davy Jones of destiny you might say, guiding them back to the right path. So, if you have someone who want to find her destiny, send her to my way, give it about 3 months or so then I’ll end it. Surely enough she WILL find her destiny not long after that. No worries about me, I’m glad to help ;p. NOT! I’m done doing favours, NOW is my time to dream. Yeah!

FYI, I was asked to keep it hush hush when I first learn about the news, so this is actually a scheduled post, only to be automatically publish on the right time so to speak, so that I can sleep better knowing everything are not in my head anymore.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

16 thoughts on “I’ve made my ex’s happy!

  • That’s an interesting perspective; you being the ‘batu loncatan’ for your exes’ destiny hehe.

    Have you seen the Heartbreak Kid? This post reminds me of that movie 🙂 No offence ya!

  • you’re not alone dude.
    sometimes i felt the same way too.
    we need our time to shine now. damn the universe~!!

  • Pai.. arh.. no worries.. ur time will come.. just have a little faith

    • nah. i’m done having that. what’s important is fulfilling what ever i want to do. 🙂

  • that sounds so kesian… but, you looking at it at a different view is something motivating. inspiring.

    • we all at some point have to do that. much more easier to carry on with our life. no?

  • Pai firstly, napa bah font ko warna putih tu? nda dpt ku baca ur comment.

    2ndly, u’r meant for bigger things bah Pai. Blum lagi sa jumpa org yg sabar n cool mcm ko ni, maybe to a fault but that is what made u so easy for ppl to get close to.

    • sorry, this theme come with white font for the comment.

      yeah, i was thinking about that too. guess i’ll have to search for that purpose. or that purpose will find its way to me. or maybe we’ll bump to each other 😀

  • Maybe my purpose in this world is just to get lost ladies back on track to their destiny, the Davy Jones of destiny you might say, guiding them back to the right path.

    hahaha…bah diving kita next month.

    • yes yes. i like that. mana destination? sapi lagi? atau mabul? dont worry, the kraken is my pet hehe

  • hmmmm….interesting hun 😉 at the same time….i’m glad u found ur purpose! Funny in a way that it a little similar to that movie..something Lucky charm or something where…every gal he (the character of that hero) went to bed with end up marrying or found their soulmate after they broke off! Bahahaaaaaa…sorry i had to put that out loud but hey, what is life without jokes and giggles eh 😉

    You know something hun, since day one i met u and get to know u….u have tremendously transformed into a beautiful butterfly now ( if u know wot i mean) no more Mr Shy Guy 😉 and like saying goes, why settle to blend in, when u’re born to shine? Always remember that you have a purpose to serve in this universe and go…make me proud! HUGSSSSSSS

    • oh, that movie. its Good Luck Chuck. a friend pointed that out for me over at Facebook 🙂

  • My Best Friend’s Girl starring Dane Cook. The job is to be the ultimate asshole for girls to realize they had the real deal and come back for it. No offense intended tho. 😉

    • oh yeah, Dane Cook and Kate Hudson. I missed that. I think I’ll go and look for it.


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