North Borneo Geek
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Geeky apparition at Elopura

Nice view eh? That will be but part of history in a year or so, just the wooden jetty of course not the whole view, because it will be dismantle and replace with a new, stronger, concrete jetty. Come to think of it, the only people who will be enjoying this view are the people from Malaysia Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA), Malaysia’s very own Coast Guard. They even have the same boat marking as the American’s. Is it an international colour? I’m not too sure.

How is this significant to me? We’ll peeps, for 10 months or maybe more, by looking at work progress I’m seeing, I’ll be spending most of my time here in Sandakan, overseeing the construction of MMEA District Office. Actually the project started in March 2010 and for the past 8 months they have been looking for site personnel; Resident Engineer namely, to oversee the project. I was actually dumbstruck when my office informed me that they would be sending me here, because apparently the Implementing Agency liked my CV after countless of CV been thrown at them. Now before you think that I have an impressive CV; because I’m sure there are more out there who are better than I am, I might be the only available choice they got. If it were left for me to decide, I would prefer to oversee Sembulan River Beautification. What more rewarding than trying to beautify your own hometown. So for the past one month being here, there’s obviously not much work have been done yet, maybe in a few weeks time. So what I’m seeing at site is just an old man from neighbouring village playing with his kite, almost everyday. I wonder where will he fly his kite when the project is complete?

Flying kites at Tanjung Aru Beach is still in my “to do” list, suggested by Irene sometime last year. Nobody seems to do that fun stuff any more :/

Anyway, I went to visit the popular Agnes Keith House here in Sandakan. To anyone who is oblivious to this place, myself included until a few years back, Agnes Keith was an American journalist who married an Englishman who works as a Conservator of Forests and Director of Agriculture for the government of North Borneo and the author of “Land Below The Wind” and “Three Came Back”.

I’ve been here once but never went into the house. I like the setting, very British like I would describe to it; there’s even an old Electrolux fridge advertisement was shown. Almost everything was preserved, except for few doorknobs, and maybe switch, and some down light, projectors, screens, and stuff. HAHAHA. The interesting part of my visit was at the bedroom. Yes we have sex there…

*krik* *krik* *krik* *krik* *krik*

Did you know that the place was reportedly to be haunted, Agnes Keith herself describes her ‘encounter’ in her diary.  There’s this one ring binder placed on one corner of the bedroom where they list down a few encounter, where all of them describe almost the same apparition, a girl with bandaged head wearing something like a maid uniform. That to my humble opinion is a ghostly apparition of a nurse who is a casualty of war. I did went and ask the Museum staff if there’s any “special appearance”, to which he answered none that he know off. Maybe because nobody stayed there anymore. Interesting eh? I was told taking photo inside is not allowed. It would be cool if I could snap a photo of them spirit. OK bad idea!

Spend the rest of the afternoon at The English Tea House & Restaurant, just next to Agnes Keith House. A very cosy place, they can accommodate garden wedding; they were setting up for a wedding when we came over here. The menu was pricey but I think worth every dime. Maybe I’ll come over here again for dinner.

Eating one scone made me full

So there you go, still trying to get familiar with this town, I’m still wondering what do the young adult do for fun at this place. I’m not saying people of my age because most of them are married and I’m not. Ironically, MMEA was among those who take part in the Search & Rescue mission to find my missing family. So I guess there is a reason why I was chosen after all. :p

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

6 thoughts on “Geeky apparition at Elopura

  • Been to Sandakan once but never knew about this place…Btw, did you feel anything at all when you were in the haunted room? Kembang bulu roma ka???

    • nope don’t feel a single thing. maybe it’s long gone

  • I love this post. Being a history buff, I’m most interested in the Agnes Keith House. Been to Sandakan once or twice, mostly for work purposes though and so never had the chance to go and do any sight-seeing.

    I’ve read about the House in an article a few years back, but I didn’t remember anything about it being haunted though. Hehe.

    P/S: I love the pics, especially of the man playing kites. Thanks for sharing! 😉

    • It’s just next to Sabah Hotel. I guess nobody even bother to read about it being haunted. I think you will love the history timeline showed at the top floor.

  • Kev & me wud like to go there too…tunggu ada ngam cuti we double date at sdk k ^^ … abg jdi our tour guide heee~
    blm pernah ni pg sdk…olololololo….


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