North Borneo Geek

It’s my fourth year!

Yes, today is my 4th year anniversary, while everyone is celebrating Valentine’s day, I’m here typing my blog. So what do you guys think? Lame? I’m not doing this every month though, only when I have the time to shoot. I must admit, making this video was fun. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel to get update on new uploaded video. Thanks for watching. 😉

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

21 thoughts on “It’s my fourth year!

  • Hee! Nice one…Good acting 😀 Emmy nominations coming soon..hehe… does video blog too (sometimes) but she’s doing/teaching yoga poses..

    • i think i need a whole lot of improvement, on acting, speaking and video taking. thank you for watching 🙂

  • OMG. That was hilarious..hehehe…No offence, but I think you remind me of Stephen Chow. And, it’s nice to have finally heard your voice!
    Love the vid. Keep it coming.

    Happy 4th anniversary!

    • owh, Stephen Chow is my Idol! I think I’m influenced by him. I’ll keep video idea for now, will shoot again whenever I’m back in KK.

      Thanks for watching 😀

  • I never been good at cameras and video shooting. Well, I must commend you for the acting.. truly hilarious 🙂

    • thanks for watching! i still need to improve A LOT. gave me a bit of insight in video shooting.

  • hahahah…funny! this is so much funner. u can read post and watch video at the same time. do more!

  • Happy 4th blogging anniversary Pai!
    Oh my, terhibur juga saya tingu v-blog ko oh. And well done, you look very natural in acting lah. When I first did my snow flakes tutorial video…even just using my voice pun mau several takes bah I did.

    • HAHAHA. that video have a lot of take. a lot of tersasul, and a lot of change of script. I need to watch your snow flakes video la.

      • Err… that snow flakes video of mine very noobie punya. Yg fresh from the oven punya shoot, no editing no nothing because memang I dunno how to do video editing 🙂

  • yeah, u r cool like that..:) cant wait to watch ur next video blog..

  • Pingback: What Skill I Would Most Like to Learn in 2012 | Borneo Geek

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