North Borneo Geek

I am Pati

Sounds like a girl’s name, well it’s not. Pati is my male Felis Domestica pet. This is a shot story of how he became what he is today. No he did not died, in fact he is slowly becoming an obese cat. Yes he is.

Pati second from right blending in with the others.

He’s not original mine to begin with. He was just a stray cat. Then again I can’t put him in that category. Here’s the story. I’m not really sure if he’s actually a stray cat because I notice a few house away, there’s a group of kittens, which I suspect where he came from and I suspect he was separated from them. Here’s the clever thing what he did. He noticed that there are also kittens at my place. Since he knows he don’t belong to our group of kitten, he approach our house little by little. He was outside of our gate at first, and day by the he moved closer and the next thing we know, he was eating together with our pets. Clever eh? And to top that, my other cats seem to take on him very well, even casually playing with him.

Pati with broken leg.

One unfortunate morning, way early in the morning, half asleep at that time, he tried to sleep next to me, but I shoved him aside because I could smell urine on him so I figured that he might have stepped oh his own urine. Only when I really woke up soon after that I notice Pati was cover in blood. That answers the urine smell. I also noticed that his left hind leg was, how should I put this, moving at all direction. If it’s a normal limp, you can see it moving at one direction. What I saw is 360 movements. No I didn’t try to spin it although that was my initial test method I could think off, but instead we sent him to the Vet. We’re not so sure how he broke his leg, but we suspect maybe a dog took a bite on him.

According to the Vet, his leg was broken at three places and chances of saving it are rather slim. My dad opt to try to save it without having to resort to cutting it off entirely. Alas, they couldn’t save it so Pati is left with 3 useable legs. At the same time we had him castrated so he would remain at home at all time.

You would think that he is crippled. On contrary, he is really fast when he runs on flat ground. You don’t even notice that he’s cripple until came to a stop and start walking. Then you’ll see he’s jumps around just to walk. His only problem is when he’s trying to jump up the sofa. Because of the absent of his left hind leg, every time I rub his behind left ears, you practically see bone moving at where his leg used to be, acting as if he was scratching behind his ear when in fact it was my hand.

That brings us back to his name. Why Pati in the first place? Well, he is Pendatang Asing Tanpa Izin after all. My dad has a very peculiar way of naming cat. While he enjoys living happily at my home, my own male cats are becoming the neighbours PATI. Males will be males I guess.

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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

13 thoughts on “I am Pati

  • Oh my gosh… this is a sad story but good story as well because at least it still alive after and like you said, he runs really fast haaha.

    Ooo I am a cat lover and by the looks of it, you are as well. I always had a dream to collect all stray cats and dogs before, LOL but I was a kid when I thought of that. I used to write vet as my career when I was in primary school.

    Eniweiz, hope Pati is doing fine. It just makes me sad listening about when you said about scratching his left ears. Oh well, go go Pati!

    • he is learning to use his paw. i’m thinking to find mechanical way to solve that problem. at least he could still scratch back of his if there’s nobody around at home

  • awww…He’s lucky he came to the right place, all the TLC from NPY…hahahaa~ He looks as strong as ever, even with only 3 legs 🙂

    • very lucky. i don’t know what happen to his own batch.

  • eh.. kecian ur cat…! my house opposite skang also got one three leg cat.. very grumpy cat.. cause canot panjat pokok…

    • thank god Pati don’t like to climb tree, otherwise he would be grumpy too

  • A touching story indeed. It’s nice to know that there are a lot of people out there in our community that actually cares about the animals 🙂

    I wonder if PATI was the one you brought to the vet when I saw you at the clinic last time 🙂 You are easy to recognise 🙂

    p.s: Arms, LaViap definitely a cat lover like us, he’s got that cat’s age calculator on the side 😀

    • at SAMC? oh that was my gf’s pet Kuechi, 7 yrs old. have parasite infection in her blood.

      i remember you guys from SPCA, and i think i know you from somewhere else. couldn’t recall where.

  • Adopting a stray cat like that is really sweet. Like Carol said, PATI is really lucky to have you 🙂

    • i don’t have the heart to “shooh” them. but don’t make that as an excuse to drop a few kittens to my place. die la when they start pooing.

  • Hahaha…Exaggerate juga bah..Nda la ba die. Just pengsan la 😛


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