North Borneo Geek

Daily Feed

Over the years, when I started to accumulate blogs or websites to read, I find it time consuming to constantly check for update every day, or week. And often time I would forget whether I’ve read them or not. So the best way to know the moment there’s an update is by subscribing to the site email alert. The downfall to this is that your inbox tend to fill up quickly. Which is why I personally like to subscribe to RSS.

Outlook ExpressBefore my iPhone era, when Nokia was the phone to have, my default RSS reader was the Outlook Express on the PC. Simple and easy to use. And when I switch to using a Mac, I turn to Mali app. I tried Yahoo and Google Reader back then but I still prefer application than web app.


Mail appThen came my iPhone era, and subsequently iPad, more flexibility, reading even when I’m in the toilet. You can’t really do that with a laptop. Because of that, I need something that could update RSS between my phone and computer. Free app on Mac are not available on the iPhone and vice versa. But all of them have one thing in common, they all sync with Google Reader.

ShrookSo, for Mac side I use NetNewsWire and on iOS i use Shrook before I switch to Feedly. So, with this arrangement, I could check my RSS, mark it, and continue where I left off on the other devices. This is how I manage to keep updating myself with you bloggers out there.

NetNewsWireBut sadly, come 1st July 2013, Google will terminate Reader and I’ll be having a daunting task to find new ways to get my RSS synchronise on all device. Not long after the announcement, everybody was talking about the best Reader replacement when they cease to exist next month. For me, I’ve stopped using NetNewsWire on my Mac and started using Feedly add-on on Firefox, which will sync nicely with Feedly on iOS because according to them, they’ll be managing RSS them self. Note that before the announcement, Feedly require Reader to update the RSS. Not quite sure if it will run according to plan, but for now, I’m backing up my RSS list before the imminent shut down. Better be safe than sorry.


So what’s your favourite RSS?

Update: My RSS feed have been successfully moved to Feedly cloud. My RSS feed are safe. Happy Retirement Google Reader.


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The Geek

A so-called geek who resides at North Borneo, in a not so little city anymore, formerly known as Api-Api to the locals, Jesselton to the colonialist. This geek is a former Civil Engineer who is working for himself, who will write whatever popped up in his mind and hoping the reader would not be so judgmental toward his writings.

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